Monday, January 30, 2012

I love teaching parsha at this time of year - the makkos, yetzias Mitzrayim, the whole Pesach story.  It is SO child friendly.  You want to be able to engage the child and keep his/her attention and this is a great subject for that purpose.   Fast moving, lots of action to keep them interested, and a tremendous spiritual connection with our forefathers.  My children - especially the ones who have a shorter attention span - tend to only focus on one subject within the parsha (particularly during the construction of the Mishkan, but I am working on that).  ZZZZZZZ  But here I have the chance to get everyone on the same page (literally) and am able to teach the entire parsha.   Parshas Beshalach, when Paroah is finally shown to be weaker and powerless than the "Jewish" G-d, is not only inspiring to us old people :) but also imbues our children with a sense of power and, very importantly, a sense of communal unity.  Yes, I know that will be shattered in the upcoming parshiyos, but for right now, we're all just trying to get out of our shared misery.  My children enjoy when they are able to connect the dots and bring something that we do, that we celebrate (Pesach) into what they are learning.  I'll try to write more later, but there is a diaper somewhere that requires immediate remediation.

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