Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Wallpaper and Doing a Bit of Redecorating

I've been struggling with maintaining a reasonable level of learning throughout the summer, despite my best efforts.  Emails and posts from other homeschoolers have dropped very significantly (What?  Has everyone been sitting around the pool or been on vacation?)  and I'm thinking that we are all busy preparing for the next season of education.  Actually, as soon as Tisha B'Av was passed, my first thought was, "Oh no!  The bigger sukkah that I had wanted to build NEXT year is now THIS year!"  So we are going from busy and hectic to really busy and preparing to be even busier.  Fall baseball for several boys, Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, Sukkos, new schooling topics and fresh activities - oy!  Unlike the seasoned teacher who can use the same materials year after year - I mean, the kids haven't seen it before, even if the teacher has - homeschooling takes a bit of creativity.  I've begun to paper my walls with vocabulary lists and maps.  We have a US map and a world map on the wall in the hallway, across from a project that two of my sons undertook.  They went through a recent almanac and wrote down on paper the names and capitals of every country in the world.  Now, I see them cross-referencing from map to list and back again.  I also purchased a non-digital clock (a "hand" clock) and put it up on the wall directly facing my boys' bedroom.  Sorry boys, you're gonna have to learn to read it. 

So our walls no longer have boring color on them; now they have pictures and lists and maps and information and whew!  (Lions and tigers and bears - oh my!)  I just have to make sure that I have placed these items higher than my toddler can reach, so nothing gets ripped or removed without management permission.  Some people repaint their house periodically - we just post new materials and beautiful children's artwork, worthy of the Louvre (if I do say so myself).  Sure saves time, mess, and money.